
来自The Land of StarLight

2022年10月3日 (一) 10:31的最新版本


return {
	['acacia boat'] = '船|金合欢木船',
	['acacia boat with chest'] = '运输船|金合欢木运输船',
	['amethyst shard'] = '紫水晶碎片',
	['apple'] = '苹果',
	['arrow'] = '箭',
	['arrow loaded crossbow'] = '弩|装填箭的弩',
	['arrow of decay'] = '箭|衰变之箭',
	['arrow of fire resistance'] = '箭|抗火之箭',
	['arrow of harming'] = '箭|伤害之箭',
	['arrow of healing'] = '箭|治疗之箭',
	['arrow of invisibility'] = '箭|隐身之箭',
	['arrow of leaping'] = '箭|跳跃之箭',
	['arrow of luck'] = '箭|幸运之箭',
	['arrow of night vision'] = '箭|夜视之箭',
	['arrow of poison'] = '箭|剧毒之箭',
	['arrow of regeneration'] = '箭|再生之箭',
	['arrow of slow falling'] = '箭|缓降之箭',
	['arrow of slowness'] = '箭|迟缓之箭',
	['arrow of splashing'] = '箭|喷溅之箭',
	['arrow of strength'] = '箭|力量之箭',
	['arrow of swiftness'] = '箭|迅捷之箭',
	['arrow of the turtle master'] = '箭|神龟之箭',
	['arrow of water breathing'] = '箭|水肺之箭',
	['arrow of weakness'] = '箭|虚弱之箭',
	['awkward lingering potion'] = '滞留药水|滞留型粗制的药水',
	['awkward potion'] = '药水|粗制的药水',
	['awkward splash potion'] = '喷溅药水|喷溅型粗制的药水',
	['axe'] = '斧',
	['baked potato'] = '烤马铃薯',
	['bamboo'] = '竹子',
	['banner pattern'] = '旗帜图案',
	['banner pattern bordure indented'] = '旗帜图案',
	['banner pattern creeper'] = '旗帜图案',
	['banner pattern creeper charge'] = '旗帜图案',
	['banner pattern field masoned'] = '旗帜图案',
	['banner pattern flower'] = '旗帜图案',
	['banner pattern flower charge'] = '旗帜图案',
	['banner pattern globe'] = '旗帜图案',
	['banner pattern piglin'] = '旗帜图案',
	['banner pattern skull'] = '旗帜图案',
	['banner pattern skull charge'] = '旗帜图案',
	['banner pattern thing'] = '旗帜图案',
	['beetroot'] = '甜菜根',
	['beetroot seeds'] = '甜菜种子',
	['beetroot soup'] = '甜菜汤',
	['birch boat'] = '船|白桦木船',
	['birch boat with chest'] = '运输船|白桦木运输船',
	['black dye'] = '染料|黑色染料',
	['blaze powder'] = '烈焰粉',
	['blaze rod'] = '烈焰棒',
	['blue dye'] = '染料|蓝色染料',
	['boat'] = '船',
	['boat with chest'] = '运输船',
	['bone'] = '骨头',
	['bone meal'] = '骨粉',
	['book'] = '书',
	['book and quill'] = '书与笔',
	['boots'] = '靴子',
	['bottle o\' enchanting'] = '附魔之瓶',
	['bow'] = '弓',
	['bowl'] = '碗',
	['bread'] = '面包',
	['brick'] = '红砖',
	['broken elytra'] = '鞘翅|破损的鞘翅',
	['brown dye'] = '染料|棕色染料',
	['bucket'] = '桶',
	['bucket of axolotl'] = '生物桶|美西螈桶',
	['bucket of cod'] = '生物桶|鳕鱼桶',
	['bucket of pufferfish'] = '生物桶|河豚桶',
	['bucket of salmon'] = '生物桶|鲑鱼桶',
	['bucket of tadpole'] = '生物桶|蝌蚪桶',
	['bucket of tropical fish'] = '生物桶|热带鱼桶',
	['bundle'] = '收纳袋',
	['buried treasure map'] = '探险家地图|藏宝图',
	['cactus green'] = '仙人掌绿',
	['candle'] = '蜡烛',
	['carrot'] = '胡萝卜',
	['carrot on a stick'] = '胡萝卜钓竿',
	['chainmail armor'] = '盔甲|锁链盔甲',
	['chainmail boots'] = '靴子|锁链靴子',
	['chainmail chestplate'] = '胸甲|锁链胸甲',
	['chainmail helmet'] = '头盔|锁链头盔',
	['chainmail leggings'] = '护腿|锁链护腿',
	['charcoal'] = '煤炭#木炭|木炭',
	['chestplate'] = '胸甲',
	['chorus fruit'] = '紫颂果',
	['clay ball'] = '黏土球',
	['clock'] = '时钟',
	['clownfish'] = '小丑鱼',
	['coal'] = '煤炭',
	['cocoa beans'] = '可可豆',
	['cod bucket'] = '鱼桶|鳕鱼桶',
	['colored dye'] = '染料',
	['compass'] = '指南针',
	['cooked beef'] = '牛排',
	['cooked chicken'] = '熟鸡肉',
	['cooked cod'] = '熟鳕鱼',
	['cooked fish'] = '熟鱼',
	['cooked mutton'] = '熟羊肉',
	['cooked porkchop'] = '熟猪排',
	['cooked rabbit'] = '熟兔肉',
	['cooked salmon'] = '熟鲑鱼',
	['cookie'] = '曲奇',
	['copper ingot'] = '铜锭',
	['crossbow'] = '弩',
	['crystallized honey'] = 'Java版已移除特性#结晶蜜|结晶蜜',
	['cyan dye'] = '染料|青色染料',
	['dandelion yellow'] = '蒲公英黄',
	['dark oak boat'] = '船|深色橡木船',
	['dark oak boat with chest'] = '运输船|深色橡木运输船',
	['debug stick'] = '调试棒',
	['diamond'] = '钻石',
	['diamond axe'] = '斧|钻石斧',
	['diamond boots'] = '靴子|钻石靴子',
	['diamond chestplate'] = '胸甲|钻石胸甲',
	['diamond helmet'] = '头盔|钻石头盔',
	['diamond hoe'] = '锄|钻石锄',
	['diamond horse armor'] = '马铠|钻石马铠',
	['diamond leggings'] = '护腿|钻石护腿',
	['diamond pickaxe'] = '镐|钻石镐',
	['diamond shovel'] = '锹|钻石锹',
	['diamond sword'] = '剑|钻石剑',
	['disc fragment'] = '唱片残片',
	['disc fragment 5'] = '唱片残片',
	['dragon\'s breath'] = '龙息',
	['dried kelp'] = '干海带',
	['echo shard'] = '回响碎片',
	['egg'] = '鸡蛋',
	['elytra'] = '鞘翅',
	['emerald'] = '绿宝石',
	['empty locator map'] = '地图|空定位器地图',
	['empty map'] = '地图|空地图',
	['enchanted book'] = '附魔书',
	['enchanted golden apple'] = '金苹果|附魔金苹果',
	['end crystal'] = '末地水晶',
	['ender pearl'] = '末影珍珠',
	['explorer map'] = '探险家地图',
	['eye of ender'] = '末影之眼',
	['feather'] = '羽毛',
	['fermented spider eye'] = '发酵蛛眼',
	['filled bundle'] = '收纳袋',
	['filled map'] = '地图',
	['fire charge'] = '火焰弹',
	['firework loaded crossbow'] = '弩|装填烟花的弩',
	['firework rocket'] = '烟花火箭',
	['firework star'] = '烟火之星',
	['fish'] = '鱼',
	['fishing rod'] = '钓鱼竿',
	['flint'] = '燧石',
	['flint and steel'] = '打火石',
	['fuel'] = '燃料',
	['ghast tear'] = '恶魂之泪',
	['glass bottle'] = '玻璃瓶',
	['glistering melon'] = '闪烁的西瓜片',
	['glistering melon slice'] = '闪烁的西瓜片',
	['glow berries'] = '发光浆果',
	['glow ink sac'] = '荧光墨囊',
	['glow item frame'] = '物品展示框|荧光物品展示框',
	['glowstone dust'] = '荧石粉',
	['goat horn'] = '山羊角',
	['gold ingot'] = '金锭',
	['gold nugget'] = '金粒',
	['golden apple'] = '金苹果',
	['golden armor'] = '盔甲|金质盔甲',
	['golden axe'] = '斧|金斧',
	['golden boots'] = '靴子|金靴子',
	['golden carrot'] = '金胡萝卜',
	['golden chestplate'] = '胸甲|金胸甲',
	['golden helmet'] = '头盔|金头盔',
	['golden hoe'] = '锄|金锄',
	['golden horse armor'] = '马铠|金马铠',
	['golden leggings'] = '护腿|金护腿',
	['golden pickaxe'] = '镐|金镐',
	['golden shovel'] = '锹|金锹',
	['golden sword'] = '剑|金剑',
	['golden tools'] = '工具|金质工具',
	['gray dye'] = '染料|灰色染料',
	['green dye'] = '染料|绿色染料',
	['gunpowder'] = '火药',
	['half filled bundle'] = '收纳袋',
	['heart of the sea'] = '海洋之心',
	['helmet'] = '头盔',
	['hoe'] = '锄',
	['honey bottle'] = '蜂蜜瓶',
	['honeycomb'] = '蜜脾',
	['horse armor'] = '马铠',
	['ink sac'] = '墨囊',
	['iron armor'] = '盔甲|铁质盔甲',
	['iron axe'] = '斧|铁斧',
	['iron boots'] = '靴子|铁靴子',
	['iron chestplate'] = '胸甲|铁胸甲',
	['iron helmet'] = '头盔|铁头盔',
	['iron hoe'] = '锄|铁锄',
	['iron horse armor'] = '马铠|铁马铠',
	['iron ingot'] = '铁锭',
	['iron leggings'] = '护腿|铁护腿',
	['iron nugget'] = '铁粒',
	['iron pickaxe'] = '镐|铁镐',
	['iron shovel'] = '锹|铁锹',
	['iron sword'] = '剑|铁剑',
	['iron tools'] = '工具|铁质工具',
	['item frame'] = '物品展示框',
	['jungle boat'] = '船|丛林木船',
	['jungle boat with chest'] = '运输船|丛林木运输船',
	['kelp'] = '海带',
	['knowledge book'] = '知识之书',
	['lapis lazuli'] = '青金石',
	['lava bucket'] = '熔岩桶',
	['lead'] = '拴绳',
	['leather'] = '皮革',
	['leather armor'] = '盔甲|皮革盔甲',
	['leather boots'] = '靴子|皮革靴子',
	['leather cap'] = '头盔|皮革帽子',
	['leather horse armor'] = '马铠|皮革马铠',
	['leather pants'] = '护腿|皮革裤子',
	['leather tunic'] = '胸甲|皮革外套',
	['leggings'] = '护腿',
	['light blue dye'] = '染料|淡蓝色染料',
	['light gray dye'] = '染料|淡灰色染料',
	['lime dye'] = '染料|黄绿色染料',
	['lingering potion'] = '滞留药水',
	['lingering potion of decay'] = '滞留药水|滞留型衰变药水',
	['lingering potion of fire resistance'] = '滞留药水|滞留型抗火药水',
	['lingering potion of harming'] = '滞留药水|滞留型伤害药水',
	['lingering potion of healing'] = '滞留药水|滞留型治疗药水',
	['lingering potion of invisibility'] = '滞留药水|滞留型隐身药水',
	['lingering potion of leaping'] = '滞留药水|滞留型跳跃药水',
	['lingering potion of luck'] = '滞留药水|滞留型幸运药水',
	['lingering potion of night vision'] = '滞留药水|滞留型夜视药水',
	['lingering potion of poison'] = '滞留药水|滞留型剧毒药水',
	['lingering potion of regeneration'] = '滞留药水|滞留型再生药水',
	['lingering potion of slow falling'] = '滞留药水|滞留型缓降药水',
	['lingering potion of slowness'] = '滞留药水|滞留型迟缓药水',
	['lingering potion of strength'] = '滞留药水|滞留型力量药水',
	['lingering potion of swiftness'] = '滞留药水|滞留型迅捷药水',
	['lingering potion of the turtle master'] = '滞留药水|滞留型神龟药水',
	['lingering potion of water breathing'] = '滞留药水|滞留型水肺药水',
	['lingering potion of weakness'] = '滞留药水|滞留型虚弱药水',
	['lingering water bottle'] = '滞留药水|滞留型水瓶',
	['locked map'] = '地图|已锁定的地图',
	['lodestone compass'] = '磁石指针',
	['magenta dye'] = '染料|品红色染料',
	['magma cream'] = '岩浆膏',
	['mangrove boat'] = '船|红树木船',
	['mangrove boat with chest'] = '运输船|红树木运输船',
	['map'] = '地图',
	['melon seeds'] = '西瓜种子',
	['melon slice'] = '西瓜片',
	['milk bucket'] = '奶桶',
	['minecart'] = '矿车',
	['minecart with chest'] = '运输矿车',
	['minecart with command block'] = '命令方块矿车',
	['minecart with dispenser'] = '发射器矿车',
	['minecart with furnace'] = '动力矿车',
	['minecart with hopper'] = '漏斗矿车',
	['minecart with repeating command block'] = '命令方块矿车|循环型命令方块矿车',
	['minecart with spawner'] = '刷怪笼矿车',
	['minecart with tnt'] = 'TNT矿车',
	['mundane lingering potion'] = '滞留药水|滞留型平凡的药水',
	['mundane potion'] = '药水|平凡的药水',
	['mundane splash potion'] = '喷溅药水|喷溅型平凡的药水',
	['mushroom stew'] = '蘑菇煲',
	['music disc'] = '音乐唱片',
	['music disc 11'] = '音乐唱片',
	['music disc 13'] = '音乐唱片',
	['music disc 5'] = '音乐唱片',
	['music disc blocks'] = '音乐唱片',
	['music disc cat'] = '音乐唱片',
	['music disc chirp'] = '音乐唱片',
	['music disc far'] = '音乐唱片',
	['music disc mall'] = '音乐唱片',
	['music disc mellohi'] = '音乐唱片',
	['music disc otherside'] = '音乐唱片',
	['music disc pigstep'] = '音乐唱片',
	['music disc stal'] = '音乐唱片',
	['music disc strad'] = '音乐唱片',
	['music disc wait'] = '音乐唱片',
	['music disc ward'] = '音乐唱片',
	['name tag'] = '命名牌',
	['nautilus shell'] = '鹦鹉螺壳',
	['nether brick'] = '下界砖',
	['nether quartz'] = '下界石英',
	['nether star'] = '下界之星',
	['netherite axe'] = '斧|下界合金斧',
	['netherite boots'] = '靴子|下界合金靴子',
	['netherite chestplate'] = '胸甲|下界合金胸甲',
	['netherite helmet'] = '头盔|下界合金头盔',
	['netherite hoe'] = '锄|下界合金锄',
	['netherite ingot'] = '下界合金锭',
	['netherite leggings'] = '护腿|下界合金护腿',
	['netherite pickaxe'] = '镐|下界合金镐',
	['netherite scrap'] = '下界合金碎片',
	['netherite shovel'] = '锹|下界合金锹',
	['netherite sword'] = '剑|下界合金剑',
	['oak boat'] = '船|橡木船',
	['oak boat with chest'] = '运输船|橡木运输船',
	['ocean explorer map'] = '探险家地图|海洋探险家地图',
	['orange dye'] = '染料|橙色染料',
	['painting'] = '画',
	['paper'] = '纸',
	['phantom membrane'] = '幻翼膜',
	['pickaxe'] = '镐',
	['pink dye'] = '染料|粉红色染料',
	['poisonous potato'] = '毒马铃薯',
	['popped chorus fruit'] = '爆裂紫颂果',
	['portfolio'] = '公文包',
	['potato'] = '马铃薯',
	['potion'] = '药水',
	['potion of decay'] = '药水|衰变药水',
	['potion of fire resistance'] = '药水|抗火药水',
	['potion of harming'] = '药水|伤害药水',
	['potion of healing'] = '药水|治疗药水',
	['potion of invisibility'] = '药水|隐身药水',
	['potion of leaping'] = '药水|跳跃药水',
	['potion of luck'] = '药水|幸运药水',
	['potion of night vision'] = '药水|夜视药水',
	['potion of poison'] = '药水|剧毒药水',
	['potion of regeneration'] = '药水|再生药水',
	['potion of slow falling'] = '药水|缓降药水',
	['potion of slowness'] = '药水|迟缓药水',
	['potion of strength'] = '药水|力量药水',
	['potion of swiftness'] = '药水|迅捷药水',
	['potion of the turtle master'] = '药水|神龟药水',
	['potion of water breathing'] = '药水|水肺药水',
	['potion of weakness'] = '药水|虚弱药水',
	['powder snow bucket'] = '细雪桶',
	['prismarine crystals'] = '海晶砂粒',
	['prismarine shard'] = '海晶碎片',
	['pufferfish'] = '河豚(物品)|河豚',
	['pufferfish bucket'] = '鱼桶|河豚桶',
	['pumpkin pie'] = '南瓜派',
	['pumpkin seeds'] = '南瓜种子',
	['purple dye'] = '染料|紫色染料',
	['rabbit hide'] = '兔子皮',
	['rabbit stew'] = '兔肉煲',
	['rabbit\'s foot'] = '兔子脚',
	['raw beef'] = '生牛肉',
	['raw chicken'] = '生鸡肉',
	['raw cod'] = '生鳕鱼',
	['raw copper'] = '粗铜',
	['raw fish'] = '生鱼',
	['raw gold'] = '粗金',
	['raw iron'] = '粗铁',
	['raw mutton'] = '生羊肉',
	['raw porkchop'] = '生猪排',
	['raw rabbit'] = '生兔肉',
	['raw salmon'] = '生鲑鱼',
	['recovery compass'] = '追溯指针',
	['red dye'] = '染料|红色染料',
	['redstone'] = '红石粉',
	['redstone dust'] = '红石粉',
	['rose red'] = '玫瑰红',
	['rotten flesh'] = '腐肉',
	['saddle'] = '鞍',
	['salmon bucket'] = '鱼桶|鲑鱼桶',
	['scute'] = '鳞甲',
	['seeds'] = '种子',
	['shears'] = '剪刀',
	['shield'] = '盾牌',
	['shovel'] = '锹',
	['shulker shell'] = '潜影壳',
	['slimeball'] = '黏液球',
	['snowball'] = '雪球',
	['spawn egg'] = '刷怪蛋',
	['spectral arrow'] = '箭|光灵箭',
	['spider eye'] = '蜘蛛眼',
	['splash awkward potion'] = '喷溅药水|喷溅型粗制的药水',
	['splash mundane potion'] = '喷溅药水|喷溅型平凡的药水',
	['splash potion'] = '喷溅药水',
	['splash potion of decay'] = '喷溅药水|喷溅型衰变药水',
	['splash potion of fire resistance'] = '喷溅药水|喷溅型抗火药水',
	['splash potion of harming'] = '喷溅药水|喷溅型伤害药水',
	['splash potion of healing'] = '喷溅药水|喷溅型治疗药水',
	['splash potion of invisibility'] = '喷溅药水|喷溅型隐身药水',
	['splash potion of leaping'] = '喷溅药水|喷溅型跳跃药水',
	['splash potion of luck'] = '喷溅药水|喷溅型幸运药水',
	['splash potion of night vision'] = '喷溅药水|喷溅型夜视药水',
	['splash potion of poison'] = '喷溅药水|喷溅型剧毒药水',
	['splash potion of regeneration'] = '喷溅药水|喷溅型再生药水',
	['splash potion of slow falling'] = '喷溅药水|喷溅型缓降药水',
	['splash potion of slowness'] = '喷溅药水|喷溅型迟缓药水',
	['splash potion of strength'] = '喷溅药水|喷溅型力量药水',
	['splash potion of swiftness'] = '喷溅药水|喷溅型迅捷药水',
	['splash potion of the turtle master'] = '喷溅药水|喷溅型神龟药水',
	['splash potion of water breathing'] = '喷溅药水|喷溅型水肺药水',
	['splash potion of weakness'] = '喷溅药水|喷溅型虚弱药水',
	['splash water bottle'] = '喷溅药水|喷溅型水瓶',
	['spruce boat'] = '船|云杉木船',
	['spruce boat with chest'] = '运输船|云杉木运输船',
	['spyglass'] = '望远镜',
	['steak'] = '牛排',
	['stick'] = '木棍',
	['stone axe'] = '斧|石斧',
	['stone hoe'] = '锄|石锄',
	['stone pickaxe'] = '镐|石镐',
	['stone shovel'] = '锹|石锹',
	['stone sword'] = '剑|石剑',
	['string'] = '线',
	['sugar'] = '糖',
	['suspicious stew'] = '迷之炖菜',
	['sweet berries'] = '甜浆果',
	['sword'] = '剑',
	['thick lingering potion'] = '滞留药水|滞留型浓稠的药水',
	['thick potion'] = '药水|浓稠的药水',
	['thick splash potion'] = '喷溅药水|喷溅型浓稠的药水',
	['tipped arrow'] = '箭|药箭',
	['totem of undying'] = '不死图腾',
	['trident'] = '三叉戟',
	['tropical fish'] = '热带鱼(物品)|热带鱼',
	['tropical fish bucket'] = '鱼桶|热带鱼桶',
	['turtle shell'] = '海龟壳',
	['uncraftable lingering potion'] = '滞留药水|不可合成的滞留型药水',
	['uncraftable potion'] = '药水|不可合成的药水',
	['uncraftable splash potion'] = '喷溅药水|不可合成的喷溅型药水',
	['uncraftable tipped arrow'] = '箭|不可合成的药箭',
	['undying totem'] = '不死图腾',
	['warped fungus on a stick'] = '诡异菌钓竿',
	['water bottle'] = '药水|水瓶',
	['water bucket'] = '水桶',
	['wheat'] = '小麦',
	['wheat seeds'] = '小麦种子',
	['white dye'] = '染料|白色染料',
	['wooden axe'] = '斧|木斧',
	['wooden hoe'] = '锄|木锄',
	['wooden pickaxe'] = '镐|木镐',
	['wooden shovel'] = '锹|木锹',
	['wooden sword'] = '剑|木剑',
	['woodland explorer map'] = '探险家地图|林地探险家地图',
	['written book'] = '成书',
	['yellow dye'] = '染料|黄色染料',
	--[''] = '',